Hi peers, I like to read, and I like many books, but a book that marked me was a book that I read when I was in the school, that book is "Hannibal: El origen del mal" by Thomas Harris, I read this book when I was 16 years old, about five years ago, in that moment this book was very impressive to me, because is a book so shocking. This book talks about a kid of 8 years old, that lived in Lituania when the soviet union invaded the country, when his family escape they all died except him and his sister; this kids took refuge in a cabin, and arrived to this place ex-soldiers of Lituania, without food they had to resort to canibalisim; In first place they ate a boy they found and in second place they ate the little sister of the Lecter boy,and she called his name claiming for his help.
Then the kid escape and went to an orphanage, a uncle adopted him and he lived fine with him, until the uncle died, after so many things happened, he goes to live with an aunt, when he lived with her, a man insulted her. This adolescent "Hannibal" killed for the first time the man who offended his aunt, and later searched all the soldiers who killed a his sister and he killed them. He was accused for this murders, but was liberated for lack of proof... After this book starts the saga of bestseller "Hannibal", and although this book is the begining of the saga it appears in last place.
This book have a movie, but I didn't saw it. I totally recomend this book, it isn't too long and is quickly read!
Read you later!