I know that she gona kill me when she know that i write about her hahaha
Her name is "Gisselle", she was 21 years old and i know her in 2004. when we was in first grade of high school, she come to my school, and she's character are so...especial, for said something.
She are my most close friend, she knwo all members of my family, we was went of vacation together, in 2 times, we loves the same things, for example the music or the movies, we every time go to the cinema to see something, for example this thuesday we went to saw "Black in man" or we went to saw "Capitan America" or tha last movie of "Harry potter". I like so much go out with she, because always pass something that i can remember for ever, and other thing that we have in comun is the name, because my second name are Gisselle.
She lives so near to my house, and after of that she come to my school i never see her, thats are increible, because she was studied in the school of side of my brother. I think that the 2 only things that we don't have in comun are that she loves the cat and she is so cientific hahaha.
In this last time we don't see so often, but in the pass we saw every day, until the wekeend.
Are don't know that you think, but i believe that she looks like "Selena Gomez" and she hate that we said this.
Read you later! :)